Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Drawing By Willow E. Morse
June 2008

here he comes, yesterday (a tribute to j.rees)

here he comes
man with neon shoes
embroidered letters
on his jacket

here he comes
energetic thought-provoking man
fingered volt
to his brain

sensibilities into
glass tubes
shot with argon and mercury

here he comes
with yesterday in his pocket

here he comes
philosophizing of ME
written on
brick walls

here he comes
making films
of canned coffee
and yesterday

here he comes
perpetuating now
tomorrow genuflecting to dope man
burning incense before rock-out star

here he comes
pinching gentle ladies rumps
ripping open
his silk shirt

exposing gorgeous chest
to drool over
still in his pocket

here he comes, yesterday

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